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Modern Art of Snuff Bottle

Top 5 websites recommend for snuff bottle collectors

Writer's picture: David ChenDavid Chen

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

This article saves reader's time on searching for any knowledge of snuff bottles on the internet. Here, D.D Art collects the Top 5 snuff bottle online website and the interesting snuff bottle sites below. This post will be keep updating. - Estimated reading time: 2 mins

Chinese snuff bottle has captivated western collectors for decades. The collecting knowledge and information were published in hard copy at that generation. It is, however, Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has revolutionized communications to the extent that it is currently our preferred medium of daily communication. In almost everything, people do use the Internet. The communication of snuff bottles is no different. People start to read online more often than reading a book due to convenience. It has led to the appearance of several websites of snuff bottles. Below, we recommend the Top 5 best websites for professional and entry-level collectors to know more this miniature art form.

Please notes that: "We do not rank the superiority by figure but for classification reasons."

1. International Snuff bottle society (ICSBS)

A Logo of ICSBS, Snuff Bottle, D.D Art
A Logo of ICSBS

Founded in 1968, ICSBS is the leading platform and official organization for all kinds of snuff bottle collectors worldwide. This organization is devoted to the study and appreciation of snuff bottles and their related art forms.

It is strongly recommended for collectors to join as members. They publish journals in hard copy four times a year and hold an actual convention every year. To fully assess to ICSBS assess, a small amount membership fee is required. Welcome to join!

2. Snuff Bottle Community Forum:

This forum gathers many senior snuff bottle collectors. Here, you could post any questions regarding snuff bottles. And there are always professional collectors who will kindly advise you. It is a website where you could exchange the experience and interact with snuff bottle collectors worldwide. It is strongly recommended to join since interacting with more collector is essential to improve the skills. If you are a collector, be sure to stop by and join in the fun.

3. Hugh Moss's snuff bottle

Chinese Calligraphy of English Characters "Hugh Moss". Snuff Bottle. D.D Art
Chinese Calligraphy of English Characters "Hugh Moss"

Hugh Moss enjoys a wide reputation in the field of Chinese snuff bottles. As a great collector and expert artistic view, he has published several hard copy books on snuff bottles. From Hugh’s site, he has uploaded many digitalized articles for free online. Here, you could read the most professional knowledge about different types of snuff bottles.

4. Bill Patrick’s database for Inside Painted Snuff Bottle

Peter Bentley and Bill Patrick, snuff bottles, D.D Art
Peter Bentley and Bill Patrick

Bill Patrick is a well-known and senior snuff bottle collector who devotes himself to promoting the inside painted snuff bottle. His public website records sufficient information regarding modern artists, related journals, and his collection with all years of his efforts. It's worth noting that Peter Bentley, a senior collector, emailed Bill through this site as he traveled in China. Afterward, he was invited to visit Hengshui by Bill, and at this point, Peter began his serious collection and study of what he termed start the "Very Modern Inside Painted Snuff Bottles" Journeys. So, here is a good start and database for reference.

5. D.D Art

A logo of D.D Art Snuff Bottle
A logo of D.D Art Snuff Bottle

Based on Taiwan (ROC), D.D Art is a contemporary snuff bottle website exclusively on inside painting and enameled glass. With years’ experience in modern inside painting and authentic experience as an artist, D.D Art offers accurate and expert opinions and weekly posts for promoting modern snuff bottles. This website is still active and continuous updating.


Other Interesting Snuff Bottle Websites:

1. Crane collections of snuff bottles:

A website shares the excellent snuff bottle by categories and lists the professionally selected bibliography of hard Copy. It is recommended to take a look!

2. George's Snuff Bottle Journal:

3. Susan Page Snuff Bottle Dealer:

4. Snuff Bottle Researcher by Dr. Jia Chi Tsou:


If you find any other website worth recommending about snuff bottles, please contact me at We are happy to evaluate and recommend to our members.

This post is continually updating. D.D Art will add other quality websites to this post for the collector to read and interact!


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